Introducing Sam's Little Brother - Jackson Cade Sexton

I wanted to share some pictures of our new bundle of joy ~ where do I begin........
First I want to THANK all my clients who are waiting patiently on their pictures and the ones that I have had to reschedule this month!!! I truly thank you for understanding and caring and for all the sweet comments, messages, emails, etc. 
As some of you know and the ones that do not I will tell you what has happened. When I was pregnant with our first child Sam I got put on bed rest around 31 or 32 weeks. I had started getting sick arounf 14 or 15 weeks with Sam.  I had developed preeclampsia. 
Here is a definition of what it is: 

Preeclampsia is a condition of pregnancy marked by high blood pressure and excess protein in your urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Preeclampsia often causes only modest increases in blood pressure. Left untreated, however, preeclampsia can lead to serious — even fatal — complications for both you and your baby.

If you have preeclampsia, the only cure is delivery of your baby. If you're diagnosed with preeclampsia too early in your pregnancy for delivery to be an option, you and your doctor need to allow your baby more time to mature, without putting you or your baby at risk of serious complications.

So I was going to the doctor every other day and ended up having Sam at 35 weeks and 4 days he weighed 4lbs 15 oz and was 19 inches long. 
It is not really common to get preeclampsia in the second pregnancy. 

As for my second pregnancy I didn't start swelling until later in my pregnancy. Probably around 25 or so weeks. As I kept going to the doctor my blood pressure kept rising and my swelling was getting worse. On June 4th, I was at work at had been hurting/cramping all day which kinda scared me so of course I called the doctor and they wanted to see me right then. I got put on bed rest that day and my doctor was not even sure he would let me go home at that point because I was so bad that day. So I was on bed rest for a week going back and forth to the doctor every other day. My doctor said that with this sickness and doing bed rest it will buy us some time basically. You usually do really bad and then good then bad to the point of having to deliver. I had to go back to the doctor on Monday June 14th after lunch and that is when I had gotten worse, just from Friday having a good report to Monday getting worse. When we got there my blood pressure was really HIGH, protein in my urine was really bad and my swelling was getting bad, so guess what the doctor said - we are having a baby today. 
Of course at that moment I lost it of being scared, nervous, and all those other emotions!!  We were so very lucky with Sam, he never left us, never had to go to the NIC unit  but one of the NIC unit doctors today said since I was much sicker with Sam it put him in stress which made him develop quicker. As for this pregnancy it started later which put Jack in no stress - they were doing stress test as well just to check this time.  
So Sam's little brother was born ..........
Jackson Cade Sexton 
Born Monday June 14, 2010  at 7:56pm
Weighed  4lbs 15oz  and was 19 inches long 

He was then taken right after to the NIC unit where he has been ever since. He was having problems breathing, meaning his lungs were not ready. He has been improving every day. He is now off all the monitors etc and we are just trying to get his temp regulated. Once his temp is where it needs to be then he can come home. I will say leaving him was so very hard for Daniel and I.  But we did have each other and prayer. I just want him home just like any mother would. 
As for Sam he has done good with being a big brother, I really don't think he is understanding everything because he came and saw Jack several times and we came home with no I am sure he is wondering what is going on.  Daniel and I are going to the hospital every day to spend time with Jack and sometimes we feel so pulled between both boys. Please keep us in your prayers and we hope to have Baby Jack home by the end of this week!! 
Here are some pictures from the whole time we were there as well as him being there. I did not put them in any order........I am just glad to get them on here...LOL
As you can see both boys weighed the same and the same length, were very close to to being born the same time (in weeks), I was even in the same hospital room as before. 
Enjoy and Much Love 
The Sexton Family 


brenda said...

He is very very precious and god is with him making sure that he is getting better so that he can come home real soon. I will be praying for jackson along with you and your family.

Rebekah Stanfill said...

He is very sweet, Heather. Congratulations.

HeatherSextonPhotography said...

Thanks Ladies for your sweet comments!!

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